Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Good and Bad of the Web

Considering our readings on the print history of "little magazines" and this week's readings of virtual/visual/multimodal texts, discuss the possibilities and limitations of multimodal storytelling. How might online spaces feed creativity? How might it stifle writers/artists?

Online spaces are really the way to go nowadays. There are just so many possibilities when posting online or reading something online compared to in a print magazine. When looking at some of the places that were put on the website, Digital Storytelling, Ubu web and others, you are able to do so much more. You can tell your story through video and also add voice to poems that you have written and you can fit so much in such a little space. And in most cases it is free and easy to access and you can get several articles from different articles in a matter of minutes. I remember using UBU Web last year in Connie's class and it was amazing at what was at your fingertips. You could hear, listen or watch poetry and it was all done at a click of a button. It was easy to search and find articles. So online space is so immense that you can do anything and you no longer have to be resticted to several pages like in a print. There is no limit to what you can do online.
I think the way it would stifle writers/artists is if you dont know how to use the web. Some people just have that handicap and they are not able to access a computer or use one to upload there stuff then they will be in a world of hurt. And I think that this is the case for alot of people, there are alot of older and younger writers that are like cavemen when it comes to computers. But I also think that sometimes with online work is that because it is so accessable everyone is doing it and it overloads the system and the really great writers are left in the midst of mediocre or less writers. So I believe there is good and bad when it comes to Web use but I really do love UBU Web abd have been really impressed with all I have found there but there is so much to take in and it is impossible to read everything.

1 comment:

  1. That problem of separating the wheat from the chaff really is an issue in online spaces. That ease and affordability of online spaces really does make it attractive, but does complicate matters when it comes to what work is "worth" reading and what is just noise. Maybe that's one of the things that's challenging about online spaces - they require a lot from readers. You have to be willing to dig to find what is good - or at least what you think is good - from what is not so good. I totally agree with you though, the online space will only continue to gain in popularity with all kinds of writers and readers.
